Your Lineage Journey is Our Journey

Our Vision is Simple…

Honoring Those Who Came Before Us

Your Family Story… Have you been told that one of your ancestors may have participated in the American Revolution or maybe one of your ancestors arrived even earlier… perhaps lived in the Jamestowne Colony or was a Mayflower Passenger?

If so, and you have a desire to discover more about your ancestors and their story, contact us! You should consider applying to one of the many Lineage Societies which believes in recognizing and truly honoring those who came before us!

“The best loved stories are not from books or film but those from our own families.”

– Jayne McGarvey

Our Value Proposition… We’ve made this journey before and through our close collaboration with you, we commit to deliver a value-focused, reasonably exhaustive, and accurate research plan to assess and if possible, prove your lineage through the use of Genealogical Proof Standards while adhering to the targeted Lineage Society’s application process. Together, we will discover your family’s journey.

Core Competencies: What makes us different? We, as individuals have successfully gone through the application process for a number of Lineage Societies. We know first-hand how daunting of a task the application process can be. We hit our brick walls and overcame them. Hands-on experience is our advantage and we feel confident that we can meet a client’s needs when it comes to the early colonial era. From the American Revolution forward, our focus is on the Southern Colonies.

My colleague resides in France and upon request, deeper genealogical research may be conducted in Europe as well. For those who may reside or work overseas and simply don’t have the time or resources to conduct research, I included an overseas phone number in the contact box as well.

Early Colonial Era

A broad approach to establishing lineal descent of qualified ancestors who would have arrived in the colonies prior to 1700s i.e., the Jamestowne Society, The General Society of Mayflower Descendants, the National Society of the Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims… just to name a few.

American Revolution

NSSAR and the DAR with a Regional focus on the Southern Colonies. Prove lineal descent from an American Revolutionary War Patriot.

19th Century - War of 1812
and the Civil War

Regional focus on the Southern States with a heavy emphasis on Louisiana.

Your Lineage Journey is Our Journey